Notion Templates: Architect's Survival
Eirini Makarouni
Apart from cool Portfolio templates and dynamic CAD blocks, us architects need to be able to track our everyday work: the tasks we have, meetings we need to get to, the references we save for inspiration, our income and how much we spent for that one moleskin sketchbook we have to have (otherwise we cannot complete the project).
Frankly nowadays, Notion Templates are everywhere but to be honest, I would not have been able to keep track of my busy architecture life without those three:
- Hello! Template is essentially a Kanban Board where you can record your daily tasks, as well as set up checklists within each task to know exactly what you have to do and when you need to deliver it. Another bonus is that each task can be sorted either by status (to do, in progress etc.) or be displayed within a weekly or monthly diary.
- Income Tracking Template took a lot of effort to finalise. Still, what are the three fundamental things a person needs to know about their money? Income, Expenses, Leftover/Savings. With this template you can track your multiple income streams, apply tax rate as appropriate, log in your stable and variable expenses and finally see how much you are left with by the end of the month.
- Bibliography Template is for the geekiest architects out there. Through it you can track your references, books, images, essays etc. and sort them by category (theory, drawing, modelmaking etc.). status (ready to read, in progress, etc.) or action code (an important general text, visual reference, of minor importance etc.). In addition, you can write notes or save images using the preset templates within each bibliography entry. Finally, a bonus.... (trust me this is life changing): Install Zotero, a bibliography software that easily lets you pull bibliography information from any source and merge it with Notion creating (drumroll)...Notero!* This is the link on how to install Notero on your device:
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3 Notion Templates for tracking tasks, income and inspiration references as well as a screen recording showing you how to use them.
"Hello" Template
A Kanban Board that can be personally reconfigured and sorted by task, week & month.
"Income Tracker" Template
A reconfigurable Income / Expenses Table to record income stream, taxes and expenses.
"Bibliography" Template
A Bibliography Table for sorting all of your resources and reading as well as templates to take notes or save images.
56.9 MB
1624 x 956 px
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